Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Dad was always lots of fun to be around whether working, hiking, playing, or just discussing any of the various subjects in which he was knowledgeable. But he was not easy to talk to about personal things.

When that was necessary I always went to mom. She was the one who gave me "The Talk" when my teacher at Bartlett Junior High sent home the note that I had to get signed. It stated that one of my parents had explained to me the wonderful changes that were going to take place in my body and mind in the next couple of years.

It was mom that I talked to about how to treat girls as I began to get interested in them. She helped me to be a thoughtful and considerate young man. I always loved those times we spent together talking about the right and wrong ways to behave. I especially remember how mom talked to me about the kinds of appropriate gifts to get my special someones.

Mom's faith was a quiet faith - but always there. She helped me pick and pack the clothes I took to our churches Christian Youth Fellowship camps - even going so far as to put my name in all of them. She always wanted to see seven pairs of dirty underwear if I was at a week long camp.

Mom's family's religious background was in the Methodist church. My dad's family's was in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Mom's favorite hymn was written for a meeting held by the great preacher, Wilbur Chapman, at the Methodist's Winona Lake Campground in Indiana.

IVORY PALACES by Henry Barraclough

My Lord has garments so wondrous fine, And myrrh their texture fills;
Its fragrance reached to this heart of mine, With joy my being thrills.

Out of the ivory palaces, Into a world of woe,
Only His great eternal love, Made my Savior go.

His life had also its sorrows sore, For aloes had a part;
And when I think of the cross He bore, My eyes with teardrops start.
His garments too were in cassia dipped, With healing in a touch;
Each time my feet in some sin have slipped, He took me from its clutch.
In garments glorious He will come, To open wide the door;
And I shall enter my heav’nly home, To dwell forevermore.